Wednesday 16 June 2010

Writer Graham Linehan

Irish television writer, actor and director.

Graham Linehan co-wrote Father Ted and received a BAFTA for his writing on The IT Crowd which focuses on the exploits of a three-strong IT support team located in a forgotten basement of a British corporation in London. I asked Graham if the Father Ted series was influenced at all by Laurel and Hardy to which he replied... "Ardal O Hanlon based Dougal on Stan Laurel and ME. So yes! I also based a scene in 'IT Crowd' on one in sons of the desertThat 'Laurel and Hardy' are still funny to modern audiences means they have a sure hold on something central to the human condition. They are eternal in a way that I don't think, say, Chaplin is."

Monday 15 March 2010

Actor Mathew Horne

Actor and Comedian

"I grew up with Laurel & Hardy. When I began my career it was in a double act and I attribute my love for Laurel & Hardy to that. My favourite scenes are from Flying Deuces, where they're locked in the cell and Stan starts playing the bedsprings like a harp. Pure, surrealist genius. Oh and the Blockheads scene (as seen in the photo below) where the football is kicked down the stairs and it hits the hotelier in the face causing his hair to flop forward."

You can read my interview with Mat in full by clicking here.

Actor Robert Florence

Scottish Comedy Writer and Actor

"Their comedy partnership had an undercurrent of affection and warmth that is the blueprint for all comedy duos. The Kings."

Sunday 14 March 2010